Lorenzo Collages - Home

LORENZO The artist and deigner busy working at LORENZO STUDIOS on new Collage designs. These works of art are all hand done by the artist and can take up to 4 weeks to complete a design, which are then photographed by a professional photographer. After this process, the design is then transfered and goes into full print by professional printers and turned into standard and large posters, canvas or hardboard. All LORENZO designs are inspired by faces, making each design unique and original. Click here to see our gallery slideshow.
Canvas and hardboard designs are on request.

All LORENZO Collage prints have a title name. Our brand name LORENZO uses our own collage designs on new products such as clothes, cushions, fabrics, gift cards and homeware accessories in the near future.
We will continue to update our website with new Collage Prints.

Quotation `request

Lorenzo Studios
L'Alfas Del Pi 03580


LORENZO prints are available on high quality large fabric canvas or high quality hardboard ready to hang. All our Original designs are available in standard and large designs, where you are able to display prints purchased into your own frames.